The story concept – escapism in the year 2050

This diagram shows a raw story concept of the album.

In the year 2050 there is a giant race of technologies.
The major desasters start from these technologies. Surveillance and cyber wars start from digital technologies. Neurotechnologies make the brain-computer-interaction possible, but they also lead to psychiatric diseases. Biotechnologies and bioengineering lead to physical illnesses.

The world has become sick and wounded.
This is the point when we meet the protagonist. The main character of the story. He wants to escape from this sick world. He wants to live in a world without digital, biological or neurotechnologies. A world leaded by the basics of all technologies. Analog technologies. But analog techologies have poor financial resources on earth.

Moon colonization – a brave new world.
The aerospace program “moon colonization” is the only chance of the protagonist to escape from the sick old world. And it has sufficiant financial resources to develop analog technologies. But you have to comply many requirements to take part at the aerospace program. Now this is the motivation of the main character. The goal to fly away from this world and to enter a brave new world.